First, some history. This is off the top of my head since I'm not a Mac historian. Jobs finished work on the original Mac and it was launched in 1984 (I was at the unveiling at my state's big computer convention, by the way). Shortly after that, he left Apple and began work on NeXTSTEP, releasing it in 1988 or so. The operating system was very Apple-ish: it was a hardware/software bundle. It did really cool things for the time and most of the major features are now features of OS X:
- It introduced (and patented) the dock.
- It used display Postscript (OS X now uses Postscript).
- It had Drag-n-Drop for elements between applications.
- There was CD sound.
- Search used text of documents.
- Full-color graphics were oriented toward artists and other creative types.
- WYSIWYG existed for just about everything.
- It had OLE.
Unfortunately, NeXTSTEP was prohibitively expensive and a little bit before its time, but it had a well-documented API (most systems of the time did) and was based on BSD Unix. It never wuite took off, and Apple (in its death throes) decided to purchase NeXT, bringing Jobs oveer to Apple and replacing OS9 with NeXT. This is sometimes jokingly referred to as NeXT's purchase of Apple using negative cash. Apple used NeXTSTEP to build OS X.
While Apple was building OS X, GNUStep was building a system which was API-compatible with NeXTSTEP. It's been mostly completed for a decade, has a few interesting applications, but has been crippled by
- Not having an associated and integrated window manager. Most GNUStep users used Window Maker or Afterstep. While both looked like NeXTSTEP, they didn't have the lower-level stuff.
- GNUStep was butt ugly.
Some people with some programming skills finally decided to do something about the situation: David Chisnall and Quentin Mathé.
Etoile uses Objective C and Smalltalk for programming, but there's a proposal to have an ECMAScript-like scripting language for desktop use. IT's nowhere near finished, but it compiles and works in a fashion. If you really want an OS X-like system on Linux, and you have programming skills, then get over there and help them out.
An ancient YouTube video demo exists, if you're interested. The current code only appears in SVN for now, though Debian and Ubuntu offer some of Etoile in the source package and camaelon.app, dictionaryreader.app, and wildmenus.app packages.
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