
Home networking should be easy. Unfortunately, from the number of questions on various forums, that doesn't seem to be the case. I figured, since MS Windows networks well with other Windows machines, and Mac OS X is pretty seamless with other OS X machines, we should have a way to make Debian machines work flawlessly with other Debian machines.

There are two kinds of D2D machines, servers and clients. These should plug into a network and just see each other and share effortlessly. There are a few goals for the project:
  • Be based on Debian with no outside packages and as little post-install configurtion as possible. 
  • Offer the standard XDG directories shared from a server with no need to worry about authorization or permissions. 
    • Documents 
    • Music 
    • Pictures 
    • Videos 
    • Backups 
  • Share the Music, Photos, and Videos so that client applications see and use them with no configuration. 
  • Offer an easy backup solution to the server. 

I've got the first iteration out the door and packed up as .deb files. I plan to have a mini.iso for them soon (much like the Debian Preseed project). Click on the D2D server or the D2D client pages to read more and download what I've got so far.

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